For Xbiz

One of the unfortunate flaws in our human nature is that we make a lot of assumptions…which really sucks, because 9 times out of 10 when we make assumptions about the kind of person someone is based on what we see on the outside, we’re wrong. Sadly, there are a lot of people we miss out on knowing because when we look at them from the outside, what we see doesn’t really represent the person who’s inside that shell.

Like me and my buddy Mimefreak. (If ever there were an odd couple, this is it.)

There is no way that anyone who saw me strolling the aisles at the grocery store in my yoga pants with multiple children hanging on me would know that I am an enthusiastic cannabis proponent and a porn-loving, bi-sexual, podcasting sex freak.

And there is no way you would know that Mimefreak – who is an experienced and prolific producer and purveyor of dirty, nasty, filthy porn – is one of the most kind-hearted, generous, gentle souls you will ever know. If you saw him at an adult industry event with his hotter-than-hot wife, Tori Black, on his arm  (also a well-respected adult actress turned producer/director), you would never guess that they have children, and a close-knit family, and a fairly tame day-to-day existence.

But he is, and they do.

Don’t be mistaken – Mimefreak is also imperfect and flawed, as all human beings are. But his imperfection is tempered with his desire to own his mistakes, not hide from them, to be honest with himself and the world and the people in his life about what he’s done wrong, and how he’s tried to make it right.

He grew up in the ‘hood’ in South Central LA and was raised by a single mother; he hung out with thugs, and was surrounded by drugs and violence. He is a walking, talking cliché who should have been a statistic. And he did end up going to jail, because he was with the wrong people and was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

All of that should have derailed him. It should have changed the trajectory of his life in a negative way…and yet it didn’t. Because he didn’t make any assumptions about anything. He simply opened his mind and his heart to the notion that people and experiences come into our lives at the right time and for the right reasons – we just have to wait sometimes for those reasons to be revealed. That takes a lot of patience…and luckily he had a few years in jail to mull it over. But the man that emerged was ready to learn from his past in order to blaze a glorious trail into his future.

You might not realize that you have a lot to learn from a guy who spends some of his days on the floor with his camera shoved in someone’s pussy, wiping squirt and sweat off of himself with baby wipes while a bunch of naked guys with 10 inch cocks blow their loads in a pretty girl’s face.

But you do.

Because just like my kinky sex life is a singular part of me – which don’t detract from the part that is also a mother and wife and generally good person – porn is just a part of who he is. There are so many other parts.

There’s the part that is a doting father and devoted husband. There’s the part of him who is a friend, a son and a brother. There is the part of him who sees people in need and doesn’t make assumptions. He just helps them. Not because he should. Not because it makes him look like a good guy.

He does it because he wants to and he actually is a good guy.

A good guy who makes fantastic, filthy, sweaty, naughty, dirty, delicious porn. Just like I’m a good person who likes to watch it.

The only assumption you should make about Mimefreak is that he’s going to keep doing what he loves, and doing it well. Keep an eye on him, because there’s no telling what he’ll create next.


By Leslie Belle

Leslie Belle